You first need to download Microsoft Essentials 2012 here. A lot of people are of the opinion that Microsoft intentionally removed this feature from Windows because only a few percentage of Windows users were actually using it and it constitutes bloatware. Table of Contents 1 Download Windows Movie Maker for Windows 10 1.1 Is Movie Maker really worth installing today Download Windows Movie Maker for Windows 10 In this case, it is very important to note that, as the product was discontinued by Microsoft, It is not possible to find any copies on the official servers of the programs. This feature is now integrated with Windows Essentials 2012 program suite. How to Download Windows Movie Maker for Windows 10 If you’re willing to get it back on your Windows PC or wish to try it out for the first time, there’s a simple way to get it running. If you’ve been using this feature right from Windows XP, you can’t help but miss it in recent versions of Windows. The best way to think of Microsoft Video Editor, which has been a core part of the Photos app since 2017, is like a modern take on Windows Movie Maker.For video editing software, it’s really. With the end of development and support for Windows Movie Maker obviously the application is no longer downloadable from the servers and from the Microsoft site.

We all know it’s not easy to find a good, free video editor and this is where Windows Movie Maker comes in. As a matter of fact, most of the videos on our YouTube Channel was edited using Windows Movie Maker. I have Camtasia Studio but most of the time, I find it easier using Windows Movie Maker. This cool Windows feature lets you become an amateur video editor but if you know your way around it, it can be a great tool you may not be able to do without. Right from Windows 7, Microsoft decided to remove Windows Movie Maker.